Dog's World of Fun
1220 W 31st St Kansas City, Missouri 64108
(816) 931-5822


Does your pet need a sitter while you are at work? If so, look no further than Dog's World Of Fun. We offer suite boarding and daycare services for pets while you are out of town. Our professionals treat your pets with the utmost care, love and affection. We have staff on-site 24/7 keeping your furry family entertained and well-loved. Your pet's health and happiness is our priority. We provide large play areas for your dogs to keep them active and energetic. Your best friend is our best friend too. Our well-trained professionals will handle your pet's daily routine. From feeding your pet to taking it for a walk, everything is done to perfection.

Bring in your pet's shot record and food, and we will handle the rest. We believe in creating a relationship with the pets, making them feel comfortable and secure during their stay at Dog's World Of Fun. You can rest assured that our trained staff will take the best care of your beloved furry family members, and offer top-quality pet care. We treat each animal as our very own, and invite you to contact us directly with any questions regarding our services, or facility here at Dogs World of Fun!